Tuesday, November 3, 2009

lecture on sustainability

I thought that this lecture was a good way to open people's eyes to what is really going on in the world. We should have the common sense to know that we cannot keep living the way we are. Wasting resources that eventually will diminish. However, not many people are actually doing anything to prevent the global warming or over pollution of our world. It is inevitable that if we continue down the path we are headed there will be no future for us. This lecture got me thinking of how much effort we all must put in to create a positive future. Recycling is a great idea and the incentive of rewards is awsome to help people start contributing. Unfortunately, most people need an incentive to begin helping. I believe that there should be more lectures available to the public to make people realize the dangers of our wastefulness and pollution. We should all be working together as communities to help figure out a plan to save our enviornment. What are some ideas for a way out of this mess??

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